Everything about the agate stones: moss agate, blue lace agate, meaning, types and properties
What is agate?
Agate is a type of chalcedony, often veined and banded, colors including blue, green, red, yellow, brown, white and black. According to different patterns and impurities, the agate stones can be classified as onyx, sardonyx, moss agate, blue lace agate, fire agate and so on.
Properties of agate
Agate is a type of chalcedony, often a grainy banded mass mixed with opal and cryptocrystalline quartz, with a hardness of 6.5-7 out of 10, a specific gravity of 2.65, and a fairly layered color, usually translucent or opaque.
Agate is often dense and massive, with various structures, the most common being the concentric structure, colors including blue, green, red, yellow, brown, white and black. Based on different patterns and impurities, it can be classified as onyx, sardonyx, moss agate, blue lace agate, fire agate and so on.

The agate color
The agate color can be naturally generated or artificially enhanced. That being said, agate has a wide range of colors and most commons ones are red, blue, purple, green, black, white. It is generally believed that red agate and blue agate have the highest value.
- Red agate: Red is one of the main colors of agate. It is the most popular kind of agate and the most valuable of the agate family.
- Blue agate: Light blue is the main color, and the more intense the color, the poorer the transparency. Sometimes we can see brightly colored bands distributed in the blue agate.
- Green agate: Natural green agate is rare, and high quality ones are especially precious and expensive.
- Purple agate: Natural purple agate is rare too. We can find both light and dark purple agate stones. They are usually translucent and have a coarse texture.
- Black agate: Mainly black with a slightly green or gray shade, translucent.
- White agate: They are usually milky white or light gray, and often form concentric or banded patterns with colorless transparent agate. There exist often quartz layers in the middle of the stone.
- Gray agate: Dark gray, light gray or cyan. Some have inconspicuous concentric stripes with quartz layers or sand cores inside.
- Yellow agate: They are usually light yellow, orange, tawny, and sometimes form beautiful bands with pink, light red, light gray agate layers.
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